122: Does the crown prince have this kind of operation?

The two of them silently made their way to the rear wall, where Su Xinyi indeed found a narrow alley, so slim it allowed only a sideways passage. They moved along the wall cautiously, wary not to alert anyone on the roof. Once they reached the window, they stood still, with Su Xinyi listening attentively to the sounds from inside.

"Ma Rude, return the item you took from my father, and I will lead you out of Jing'an Mansion. How does that sound?"

It was the voice of Shi Zhongqian.

So Ma Rude was indeed hiding here. Who could have predicted he'd choose this spot?

"Now you're speaking to me with such authority. But wasn't it just your family who was begging when they were short of silver? Master Shi, do you still see yourself as a noble scion? If you help me get out, we all stay safe. But if I don't get out, the moment I'm thrown into a dungeon, all the skeletons in the Shi Family's closet will tumble out."