148: It is really too pitiful that King Rong was punished to kneel_2

Su Bai Wei: ...

Su Deng and Su Li were having too much fun and had no intention of helping her, so when Su Xinyi glared at them, they only laughed even harder.

Su Xinyi quickly changed the subject, "Elder sister, how are your days in Pingning Guard? Has anyone bullied you? Is your husband treating you well?"

Su Bai Wei: ...

How could she say such things in front of Su Deng and Su Li? She looked at Su Xinyi and said, "Stop changing the subject. Don't think you can fool me like this."

"My wife is right. I must say, dear sixth sister, your courage is truly extraordinary. As soon as the border war report came out, you became the talk of the town."

The voice of Jie Jinglue came in, and everyone in the room stood up. Soon, he stepped in with big strides.