165: This person really has issues_4

"The rewards for your contributions are well deserved." Yan Junchu looked at Su Xinyi and spoke slowly, "What are your plans for the future?"


Su Xinyi was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously remembered her grandfather's words and casually replied, "There's not much I can do, my family has arranged for me to meet potential suitors, so I'll probably have to lay low and avoid causing trouble."

Meeting suitors?

Yan Junchu was startled for a moment, realizing that it was indeed time for Su Xinyi to start considering marriage arrangements.

Having spoken her piece, Su Xinyi didn't want to waste the Crown Prince's time and got up to leave. "I left in a hurry, and I'm afraid my family will worry, so please forgive me, Your Highness."

Yan Junchu nodded, "I'll have someone send you back."

Su Xinyi immediately declined, "There's no need to trouble Your Highness. With my skills, I won't be at any disadvantage."

Yan Junchu was rarely silent, but he had to agree.