159: The Crown Prince Rescues Someone

Yan Qiongsi had one foot stepped out, losing balance, and the other foot was about to leave the railing, falling off in an instant.

Everyone cried out in shock, with some even covering their eyes, not daring to watch.

Su Xinyi had one foot hooked onto the railing, her body half hanging out, and grabbed Yan Qiongsi's Kesiyu belt, pulling her back onto the corridor of the turret like a millstone. The force of the pull was heavy enough to drag her down as well, but Su Xinyi gritted her teeth and swung Qiongsi back up.

Everyone immediately burst into excited cheers, but before they could celebrate, they saw Su Xinyi falling from above, her body landing on the glazed tiles of the roof. The tiles shattered instantly, sending fragments raining down below.

The people below scattered, and with the slanted roof offering no foothold, Su Xinyi was about to slide off.