171: Prince Rong slapped his mother's face_3

Dining together, Su Xinyi learned all sorts of rare and unusual knowledge, and Su Jingmo even encouraged her to learn how to "play weak" from Aunt Weng, which earned an onslaught of scorn from Su Xixian.

What use would Su Xinyi have for learning such things if she was going to be chosen as the Crown Princess? It's not like she's going to be an old maid. Don't spoil a good child!

The two of them nearly rolled up their sleeves in a fight!

Mrs. Zeng laughed so hard she had to cover her belly, and Su Xinyi also couldn't stop laughing. It was Su Chaoyan who finally intervened, calming the two down. The meal was a chaotic, but joyful affair.

Once the meal was over, they sent the big sister-in-law home to rest. Su Jingmo needed Su Chaoyan's advice on some matters regarding the dowry, so Su Xixian and Su Xinyi left together.