177: Prince Rong lost miserably_3

"Alright, everyone stop arguing. The Prince Yong'an was only invited by the Empress, and we don't even know if it's about this matter. Why should we make such a fuss here? Besides, last night, we were all living together. Miss Wang and Miss Pei shared a room with Prince Yong'an, so they should know if she went out or not."

Li Qingyi's words were interesting since they seemed to not offend the two sides, but also called for Wang Yingyao and Pei Nianwei to be witnesses. Wang Yingyao had a good relationship with Li Qingyi, but Pei Nianwei's relationship with her was ordinary.

"I can testify that Prince Yong'an did not go out last night," Wang Yingyao immediately said.

After a while, Pei Nianwei finally spoke slowly, "I usually sleep heavily at night, so I don't know if anyone went out or not."