218: Thicker-skinned than Su Xinyi

Although it was sudden, Su Xinyi wouldn't refuse the Crown Prince's words. Moreover, she could tell that he was serious as he smiled at her, making her feel differently.

Introducing her so solemnly to his younger brother, Prince Xiang, showed how much importance he attached to their marriage.

When she was in Pingjing Prince Mansion, not a single person there treated her as one of their own, not even looking her in the eye.

So this was the feeling of being valued.

"Su Xinyi, you don't have to take it too seriously. It's just meeting and recognizing faces," Prince Rong was not pleased with his elder brother's words. Why was Prince Xiang so important? He hadn't introduced Su Xinyi to himself before. "The main reason is that I want to host a feast to welcome you and my elder brother."

Su Xinyi could see through Prince Rong's thoughts, and it amused her.

Prince Rong got even more angry when he saw her amused. "What do you mean by that? Are you laughing at me?"