254: Successful but not sufficient, bad things are excessive_3

The old man's expression also became serious. Since the child was so smart, it was not easy to fool her with words. He looked at her and said, "The Tartars have always been a major threat to Southern Qi Country. Since the founding of Southern Qi Country, there have been dozens of major battles, not to mention countless small skirmishes. To completely solve this problem, either the Tartars must be annihilated in one fell swoop, or another tribe on the grassland must be supported to counter them. But neither of these is possible right now."

Su Xinyi listened carefully. Her father had also sighed like this in his letters. She looked at her grandfather, "The grassland is vast, and the Tartars are familiar with the terrain. Once the war starts, it is impossible to completely annihilate them. If they retreat deep into the grassland, our isolated army may be wiped out by the enemy."