283: The Crown Princess takes the road less traveled

Qin Guansheng was caught off guard, unable to catch his breath. He hadn't expected the Crown Princess to be waiting for him here, and to confront him with such words.

However, these were trivial matters compared to the task of splitting his forces and sending two thousand men to Yunxiang Guard. What if the enemy didn't go to Yunxiang Guard?

"Crown Princess, it is not that I am disobeying your orders, but I have a question for you." Qin Guansheng looked solemnly at the Crown Princess, "Sending two thousand men to Yunxiang Guard will accomplish what? If we encounter a large force of enemies, these men would be of no use."

Su Xinyi slightly nodded, "Mr. Qin is right."

Qin Guansheng was relieved that the Crown Princess was receptive to his counsel, but before he could fully exhale, the Crown Princess continued, "Mr. Qin, have you ever fought against the Tatars?"