286: The Slightly Nervous Sixth Daughter

"Lord Guo!" Su Xinyi's waist saber flashed, bringing down a Tartar from his horse.

The sound of the blade cutting through flesh was chilling to the bone, with the spurting blood landing on who-knows-who.

Guo Hong came back to his senses instantly, faced the enemy, and dared not be distracted anymore.

The two cavalry units successfully converged, immediately cutting the Tartar forces in half. The large Tartar army was thrown into chaos, and at this moment, Tan Yanfang's infantry formed a battle array in perfect coordination with the cavalry, trapping the Tartars and slaughtering them.

With shield-bearers at the front and knife-spear wielders at the back, they moved with seamless cooperation. The shield bearers blocked the horses, the knife wielders cut down the horse's legs, and the spear wielders swarmed in when the enemy soldiers fell from their horses, piercing them through with their long weapons.