292: Crown Princess's Left-Handed Knife_2

Yang Jin never knew that the Crown Princess could wield a knife with her left hand!

Moreover, it was a fatal blow, accurately severing Qi Long's trachea.

Su Xinyi's right hand was trembling, as was her left, but she couldn't let anyone see it, so she slightly withdrew her hand into her sleeve. Qi Long was too strong; if they continued fighting, she would have been the one to fall.

Yang Jin looked up at the Crown Princess's movements and couldn't help but shiver, immediately waving his arm and shouting, "The enemy general is slain!"

Following Yang Jin, his men immediately shouted, "The enemy general is slain!"

Their voices rang out on the chaotic battlefield, startling the Tatar soldiers, who soon became disordered. Sun Puliang no longer had time to be amazed; he led his men with swords and charged forward.

With Qi Long's death, the Tatar army was leaderless and collapsed instantly, scattering like sand.