319: Why does it feel so creepy?_2

If Aunt Fu is more difficult to deal with than Aunt Weng, it doesn't seem so strange after all.

Madam's ear perked at Songju's recount of the talk she heard from the kitchen, furrowing her brows, "Has this spread outside?"

"Yes, it was the cookmaid who returned from grocery shopping who reported this, stating that she heard it directly from a storyteller."

"Where did she hear it from?"

"From the tavern where our household often gets pickled vegetables. There is a storyteller there, isn't there? He was reciting this story this morning." Songju promptly replied.

Madam's brows deepened as she thought about the summer feast today, and how such an incident had arisen. Looking at Songju, she instructed, "You go and inquire whether there are other storytellers in the Capital who are telling this story."

Songju noticed that Madam's face was stern and she quickly stopped her jesting. She swiftly turned to order someone to investigate the matter.