338: It's better to tie the bad guys together_2

Zhan Qiao didn't expect the Crown Princess to ask this, and immediately grinned, "Crown Princess, I am a vassal of the Su Family. My ancestors have been for generations, and if I were to join the army, I would still follow the orders of the Su Family."

Su Xinyi was taken aback, not expecting Zhan Qiao to say this.

Zhan Qiao, facing the astonished look of the Crown Princess, clenched his fists in salute, "If there are no other commands, then I shall take my leave."

Su Xinyi watched Zhan Qiao's retreating figure and let out a long sigh. No wonder the Su Family had stood strong for a hundred years; these followers were truly the foundation of the Su Family.

Zhan Qiao, in the face of wealth and rank at hand, remained utterly unmoved and indifferent, and she thought of Cao Qing, still consuming sand in the wilderness, who was the same. A feeling of indescribable suffocation came over her in an instant.