Qin Mufeng's Eyes Were Hooked on Jiang Xun

After Jiang Xun got into the passenger seat, Mufeng also got into the driver's seat, then started the car and drove off. Chengnan, who was still standing at the entrance of the company and waiting for the bus, silently cursed his inhumane boss.

Mufeng took Jiang Xun straight to a Chaozhou restaurant in the Qinyang Hotel.

Jiang Xun had never eaten dishes from Chaozhou before. As she sat in the restaurant and looked through its menu, she decided to order every single one of the dishes.

"Miss, our porridge comes in a big pot. Even if the two of you share it among yourselves, both of you will have to eat at least four bowls each," the waiter said. "You ordered four pots, so you might not be able to finish it." 

"It's okay, I can finish it. Just order what I ordered," Jiang Xun said with certainty.

"As you wish." If the customer was going to insist on this, the waiter could only follow her instructions.