If He's Not Going, Why Are You Partnering Up With Another Man?

"Besides..." Guanglin stroked his chin. "I could see that Qin Mufeng and Jiang Xun's relationship isn't ordinary. As long as you can persuade Jiang Xun to join your program, when you invite Qin Mufeng, make sure to mention that she will also be participating. I think that there's a 50% chance that he'll agree." 

"Only 50%?" Shuli shook his head. "The success rate is too small. It's not worth it." 

"50% is not a small number! If Jiang Xun doesn't agree to join and you try to invite him onto the show, the probability of his joining would be a big fat zero!" Guanglin knocked on the table, as if trying to avoid jinxing them, and sighed. "Anyway, it's not like you'll lose a lot if you ask him. If you succeed, our competitor won't be able to make a comeback this season!" 

When Shuli thought about how he could crush Star Guest TV to the point of no return, he steeled his heart and his eyes lit up. "Then should I tell Jiang Xun first?"