Did They Think He Had the Physical Ability of a Leek?

Jiang Xun: [I gave it to them out of courtesy. Besides, wechat is a one-time account prepared by the production team, not my own. I don't need it after recording the program.]

Mufeng was slightly relieved when he read that. Unconsciously, he tapped his fingers against the side of his phone. 

There was something he hadn't told Jiang Xun yet, but it was probably better to keep it a secret for the time being, he thought as the corners of his mouth curled into an expectant smile.


That night, Jiang Xun received another call from Yicheng.

She glanced at the camera in the corner of her room and went to the bathroom again. This time, the livestream footage happened to be focusing on her.

Shuli could only move the focus onto someone else.

"Brother Wang." Jiang Xun greeted as she answered the call.