Do You Want To Apologize Properly?

"Speaking of which, you only need to make gestures when filming a fight scene. Why did you kick Little Jiang so hard?" Zhengqiao asked.

Yuexi: "..."

She was already annoyed to death by Zhengqiao. He wasn't helping her and was always dragging her down.

Yuexi sniffled and pretended to be wronged. "I have no experience in filming a fight scene. I didn't control myself well just now. When I kicked her, I realized that it was too late."

"Don't be so careless in the future." There was a hint of killing intent in Jiang Xun's eyes. "Otherwise, it won't be as simple as a twisted ankle. Even a broken arm or leg would be considered light."

Yuexi trembled violently. Jiang Xun's gaze made her whole body go cold.

She was very sure that Jiang Xun was threatening her!

"You did it on purpose!" Yuexi shouted. "You deliberately twisted my ankle! You were threatening me just now!"

Jiang Xun smiled and mouthed silently, "That's right!"