Who Is It?

As long as you don't cause any trouble, she will be polite to you.

But if you dare to mess with her, she won't let you off.

No matter where you are, no matter if there are cameras or not, she can make you lose face.

After lunch, everyone washed the dishes, cleaned up the living room, and took a short break.

Mingshu took the opportunity to browse Weibo.

She didn't expect to see a trending post about her.

[Yu Mingshu is the first person to bring back the goods.]

She clicked on it and found out that Gushi's returns had increased because of the video of her washing her shoes in the morning, which affected the stock price of the Gu Corporation.

Mingshu suddenly felt a pressure that she couldn't bear.

At the same time, Gushi's official blog also released a statement, saying that the shoes that Mingshu was wearing today were deformed because they could not touch water.