No Wonder I Liked You From The First Moment I Saw You

"We're in the middle of a case. Let's stop filming," the police officer said.

"Yes, yes, yes." Guanglin originally thought that as long as the police officer didn't say anything, he would continue filming. This segment would definitely be explosive.

But now that the police officer said it, Guanglin could only ask his men to turn off the machines.

The livestream was sent to Mingshu.

[What's going on? We want to see the situation over at Jiang Xun's side! How are the bad guys being caught?]

[This is too much of a tease. @HouGuanglin, don't do us like this!]

The police and his colleagues knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Old Mrs. Qin's voice came from inside again.

The police pretended to say, "Hello, we are from the program team. We have something to discuss with you."
