Somewhat Regretting Her Boastful Words Last Night

But Jiang Xun actually started to question him!

Mufeng thought to himself. He really wanted to, but he was afraid that her body wouldn't be able to take it.

He was clearly doing this for her, but this little girl felt that he didn't like her enough. How unjust.

Mufeng simply couldn't take it anymore and pressed the little girl down.

Their lips met. Just as she was about to be hit by the tornado and her breathing couldn't continue, Mufeng finally let go of her.

However, he asked, "Do you remember the story of 'The Peach Blossom Spring?'"

Jiang Xun was stunned for a moment when he suddenly asked.

Jiang Xun: "..."

Her face instantly flushed red as she kicked him shyly and bashfully.

However, it only attracted Mufeng's low and husky laughter, which made her ears burn red.

She had already covered her face and didn't want to listen to him anymore.

At 5 am the next morning, Jiang Xun's phone alarm rang.