With Sister Youlan Around, She Doesn’t Have Much Hope

From her past experiences, the system did indeed have very strict management.

Although the system had its own consciousness, it could not abuse its own functions.

Jiang Xun: "Why are you still her and not applying for a skill test for me?!"

System: "..."

This host turned hostile faster than flipping through a book.

The system returned after about 10 minutes.

The system said, "Host, with my perseverance and hard work, I've finally applied for you. The system store can open the skill category for you once for free. You can choose a skill from the category to look up. As for how much of it you can try, it will depend on the skill you look up."

Jiang Xun rubbed her fists and urged, "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and open the skill category!"

The system was already used to Jiang Xun's dog-like personality. It even felt that she and Mufeng were just the same and were attracted to each other.