They Suddenly Realized Something Was Wrong

"Sister Jing, to be honest, I suspect that the production team is going to cause trouble." Qiyao glanced at the production team.

"What?" Everyone was attracted by her words.

"Yesterday, the production team failed to scare Jiang Jiang twice. Instead, Jiang Jiang scared away one NPC and made another one kneel. With how petty Director Ji is, he'll definitely give Jiang Jiang a hard time today!" Qiyao said, "I suspect that the production team had a meeting all night last night to revise today's plan."

"I was with Jiang Jiang. She wasn't afraid, but I was!"

Junjie: "…"

Production team: "..."

Everyone: "…"

[Hahahahaha, Sister Yao, what kind of truth are you spouting?!]

[@JiJunjie, are you so narrow-minded?]

Junjie urged her with a dark face, "Go to your own rooms quickly."

Qiyao pursed her lips. As she followed Nanjing to the room, she said, "You see, I was right, so he's angry from embarrassment."

Junjie: "…"