The CEO Bought It

Who knew that they would agree to sell it to Mufeng.

Because this dress was really too heavy, it was really not easy to wear it alone.

With the help of the shop assistant, Jiang Xun finally put on the dress.

However, the size was a little off.

It was mainly around her waist. Jiang Xun's waist was too thin, so the dress looked a little loose on her waist.

The three shop assistants were in disbelief.

"This dress was prepared for models to wear on the runway. The waist is already very thin. Even a dummy model would have a hard time wearing it." The shop assistant grabbed the loose part of the dress in surprise, showing off Jiang Xun's waist. "I didn't expect it to be so loose on you."

However, the point was that Jiang Xun's chest and buttocks were completely supporting her clothes, and there was no room for her to relax.

What kind of devilish body proportions was this?