What Did This Role Have To Do With Youlan?

Since Mufeng knew that Mingguan would be having dinner here tonight, it was definitely not a coincidence that he had invited them out as well.

CEO Wang had an idea and suggested, "Since Director Li Mingguan is here, why don't we ask him to come over and say hello to CEO Qin? And he can also get to know Miss Jiang."

As for Youlan?


What did Niannian's role have to do with Youlan?

"Sure." Mufeng nodded.

For some reason, CEO Wang seemed to see the praise in Mufeng's eyes.

He didn't know if he was seeing things.

However, it did not stop CEO Wang from being excited after receiving Mufeng's affirmation. He quickly called the waiter in.


Mingguan was currently having a meal with Cao Jingchen, Gu Fei, Shuidong, Youlan, and their respective managers.

Jingchen, Gu Fei, and Shuidong had already been confirmed to be cast in the movie after the audition.