Apologize Or Shut Up

"How is it? Do you dare to take on this bet with me?" Jiang Xun said, "If you don't dare to bet, then shut up. Don't keep yapping about some contract relationship. If you don't shut up, I'll assume that you're going to bet with me. If you don't find any evidence, then you'll apologize seven times on every livestream."

"It's fine even if this season's show ends. I'll search for the keywords on all the major platforms. I'll record down whoever said it and check it every day."

The antis in the bullet screen were speechless.

It had been a long time since Jiang Xun made someone apologize. They had even forgotten about it.

Moreover, many people felt that Jiang Xun was no longer a small star.

It was such a hot topic.

She had also played a popular role.

Even if she couldn't be considered an A-list celebrity, she definitely wasn't a fifth, sixth, seventh or eighth-tier celebrity.