How Can The Words Of Those Antis Be Trusted?

[Oh my God, why is Qin Mufeng so multi-faceted? He's really a treasure-trove CEO. I also want to impersonate Jiang Xun!]

The production didn't even cut out a single piece of the content.

It was because there was nothing against the rules.

When Mufeng got up, he personally turned off the cameras at each position.

Only then did the screen switch to the other guests.

[There's no more?]

At this moment, the production team's official bullet comments appeared on the bullet screen.

[CEO Qin turned off all the cameras. The production team couldn't film anything.]

[The production team's desire to survive is not bad.]

[They're all scared of our threats.]

This was because it was very effective to directly broadcast the daily lives of the three pairs of guests in the crew.

Jiang Xun and the others happened to be on set and couldn't leave on Saturday.

They could take leave and go back to shoot the variety show.