To Me, It’s Really Too Dangerous

Mufeng didn't know if Jiang Xun was blushing because he had seen the dance that she had never performed to the public or because she was tired from dancing.

"You dance really well." Mufeng walked in and saw Jiang Xun removing her sleeves.

This girl actually knew how to dance.

Was there anything she didn't know?

"I haven't shown it to anyone yet," Jiang Xun said uncomfortably.

Mufeng raised his eyebrows and arched them slightly. "So, I'm the first one."

Jiang Xun nodded.

Mufeng suddenly had an idea. "I wonder if I'll have the chance to see you dance in your traditional Chinese costume?"

In fact, Jiang Xun also wanted to give it a try.

She danced like this every day, and her movements were very flexible.