Ultimate Two For Two

The two of them looked at each other. Jixuan hesitated and said carefully, "Then, Dad, take your time. Don't be anxious. We'll wait for you at the door."

Chengye waved his hand. "Hurry up and go. If you don't go now, Jiang Xun will be gone."

Jixuan quickly ran away.

Zhenming took a look and turned to speak. Before he could say anything, Chengye said, "You go too."

He couldn't understand why Zhenming was so obedient to Jiang Xun.

Just because he was beaten up by Jiang Xun when he went to Wenping High School to pick her up?

Chengye supported himself with his walking stick as he watched Jixuan and Zhenming run to find Jiang Xun.

Jixuan hurriedly said something to Jiang Xun, who nodded.

Then, it was Zhenming's turn to laugh so hard that his chubby face turned into a bun.

Chengye paused for a moment before continuing to walk forward slowly with his crutch.

Guixin couldn't care less about Chengye now.