The Number Of Antis Is Higher Than Before

In most movies, they only needed to focus on the scenes of the main actors.

However, Under The Starry Sky was a tribute film with many stars gathered and a strong lineup.

The actors had to be taken into consideration when editing.

Within the one minute of the trailer, the more famous the actor, the longer the time he or she were shown.

For actors with lesser fame, it was already considered good if they only appeared for a second or even half a second on the screen.

The audience did not even have time to see who they were. They could only go to the cinema to identify them.

For example, Zhang Xiangyou might be famous and had many fans, but he was still a newcomer in the film industry.

It was already good enough to have half a second of footage.

Jiang Xun was also a newcomer, but Mingguan was very satisfied with Jiang Xun's performance.