Jiang Xun Can Always Stir Things Up

Because it was a livestream, there was no need to worry about netizens using their phones to leak the program's content in advance. Therefore, they did not take away the audience's phones and allowed the audience to take photos and videos.

No matter how they filmed it, could it be as clear as the professional cameras used by the production team during the livestream?

The audience waited in line to enter while surfing the internet.

Many viewers were curious about what the venue looked like, so they went into the livestream room to watch in advance.

Who knew that as soon as they entered, they would see Jiang Xun chatting with the netizens.

Someone exclaimed. "Jiang Xun is chatting with the audience in the livestream room!"


This shout was heard by the audience in the left and right rows.

As the news spread, all the audience members in the queue knew about it.

Everyone flooded into the livestream room.