She Wouldn’t Have To Give Up Hope

"That was directed at Xiang Luqi, not you." Jingsheng said, pausing for a moment. "But will it cause you any trouble?"

"Not really." After Qiyao denied it, Jingsheng's expression relaxed visibly.

Unfortunately, Qiyao was sitting in the front passenger seat and didn't turn to look at Jingsheng, so she didn't see the change in Jingsheng's expression.

However, Qiyao really didn't want to be photographed right now.

She didn't mind being photographed with Jingsheng, but what was their relationship now?

How were they going to explain that they had been photographed?

Should they say they were just ordinary friends?

However, she knew very well that once gossip was spread, no one would believe that they were just ordinary friends.

Besides, she didn't want to say that either.

It would seem like she completely ruled out any possibility of a future with Jingsheng.

If she didn't say anything, would Jingsheng say anything?