She Used To Look So Good In The Past

"I know." Although Youlan said that, she was still a little unhappy.

She had earned so much money for the company, and they took a considerable cut.

In the end, she had to pay for something she wanted to do.

However, it probably shouldn't cost much to hire an army of trolls.

She didn't need the trolls to leave comments. She just needed them to click and vote.

She could even find a hacker or something to tamper with the votes. It would be even simpler.

However, in order to prevent Jiang Xun from running to check and eventually recover the votes, it was safer to get a troll army to vote one by one.

"Then go and find someone," Youlan said to Sister Yuan." Hurry up. Jiang Xun's voting ends at 12 o'clock tomorrow night."

"It's not a difficult task; I can find someone quickly. But to avoid Jiang Xun sensing anything and retaliating, it's better to do it later tomorrow evening, catching her off guard," Sister Yuan suggested.