They Had The Money, Personnel, And Equipment

Even the broadcast time was one of the best that Feng Videos could give.

Only Feng Videos' ace programs could receive such treatment.

Only the three directors, Shuli, Guanglin, and Junjie, could receive such treatment.

Fortunately, these three directors usually did not shoot new variety shows at the same time. They all released their new variety shows one after another, so there would not be any conflicts over the broadcast schedule.

Coincidentally, none of the three directors had any new variety shows to do, so the best time was given to Kejia.

It had to be known that although online platforms were not like television stations, where only one program could be broadcast at a time,

Online platforms allowed the audience to choose any program they liked to watch out of multiple programs that were streaming simultaneously.

However, the main traffic was naturally given to the platform's ace show.