Is It That Ye Fei?

After ending the call with Mufeng, Jiang Xun immediately contacted Ye Fei.

"I'm free. Zhiqian hasn't gotten off work yet. I'm waiting for him to come back before we have dinner together," Ye Fei said with a smile.

"You can guide me while you're eating later," Jiang Xun hurriedly said.

"Sure." Ye Fei nodded.

[What? Is it that Ye Fei?]

[It's that international chef, Ye Fei, who refused Michelin stars!]

[She said that foreigners don't understand Chinese cuisine, and the Michelin stars for those restaurants aren't authentic at all, so she doesn't need foreigners to give her any star ratings.]

[Awesome! Ye Fei is right!]