Bounty for Murder

After Lin Yu and Wang Lan left, only Aunt Ning and Lin Yun were left in the living room.

Lin Yun glanced at Aunt Ning and turned to leave without saying anything.

Aunt Ning secretly clenched her fists, as if she was suppressing something.

Her gaze was fierce as she stared at Lin Yun. Unfortunately, Lin Yun walked towards her room and did not notice Aunt Ning's actions.

After Lin Yun returned to her room, she locked the door and took out her computer.

Opening the webpage, Lin Yun watched with satisfaction as the video of Ling Na causing trouble in the Lin family became more and more popular online.

Not only did netizens come out to criticize Ling Na, but even the mainstream media jumped out to pay attention to this matter.

"Looks like this matter is getting more and more popular. Ling Na shouldn't be feeling too good!"