Apologize? No Way!

Lin Yu gritted her teeth and looked at Lin Yun. She didn't expect that the matter she had complained about for the entire afternoon would be resolved so easily!

Lin Yu's eyes were slightly red, and her face was red from crying.

She leaned against Wang Lan and gently tugged at her sleeve.

Wang Lan naturally knew what she meant, so she said to Lin Cheng, "I think Xiao Yun should apologize to Xiao Yu for what happened today."

Lin Yun looked at Wang Lan coldly.

She knew that Wang Lan valued her biological daughter, but she did not expect her to be so biased!

Lin Cheng thought for a moment and said to Lin Yun, "You're the older sister. Apologize to your younger sister!"

"She might have misunderstood what you meant. She felt so wronged all afternoon!"

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, Lin Yun immediately wanted to laugh, but she couldn't.