Make it Clear

Luxury Court Hotel was not a first-class hotel in Sea City. With Lu Teng's status, he should not be bothered to stay in such a hotel.

However, Lu Teng had quietly checked into the hotel and it was said that he had been staying there for a while. Lin Yun was very curious about Lu Teng's purpose in coming to Sea City.

The last time she hacked into Lu Teng's computer system, she realized that this guy was secretly playing tricks.

He probably had a motive for appearing in Sea City this time!

Could it be that he was here for Lu Chen?

Lin Yun tried to check the surveillance video for the past few days. Other than Lu Teng, no one else entered his room.

Lin Yun frowned.

If no one had entered Lu Teng's room, how could Lu Teng be sure that Shao Yi had stolen his things?

Then why did the police capture Shao Yi?

The more Lin Yun thought about it, the more suspicious she felt. She flipped through the records for a few days.