Lu Teng's Failure

Lu Chen's words caused a commotion again.

Someone even screamed.

Although many people suspected that Lu Chen's accident was related to Lu Teng, his blatant admission still made everyone gasp!

This was an attempted murder!

Lu Chen almost lost his life in that accident!

Everyone thought that Lu Teng was just calculative and greedy for power! However, they did not expect him to be so vicious that he would disregard human lives!

Lu Teng did not seem to realize what he was about to face.

He rushed towards Lu Chen angrily, wanting to make this man who had made him unable to raise his head disappear completely.

However, before his hands could even touch Lu Chen, he was kicked to the ground by Ning Kun.

The security guards beside him were already prepared and rushed in front of Lu Teng.

Lu Teng roared angrily, "I'm still a major shareholder of the Lu Corporation! You can't touch me! You can't!"