Jin Yan's Invitation

When Lin Yun returned home, she couldn't help but smile.

Wang Qi looked at Lin Yun strangely. "You're very strange today. You disappeared for half a day and came back looking like a love-struck fool…"

"Why? Did you see a handsome man?" Wang Qi asked curiously, looking like she was watching a show.

Lin Yun waved her hand and said, "No, I just ate a home-cooked meal."

Wang Qi raised her eyebrows as if she did not believe Lin Yun.

Wang Qi was about to ask again when Lin Yun's phone suddenly rang.

Lin Yun glanced at the phone number and picked it up. "Jin Yan, what's the matter?"

Jin Yan sounded a little hesitant. "Miss Lin, I have a situation that I need to report to you. Are you at home tonight?"

Lin Yun nodded and said, "Come on, let's talk when we meet."

After hanging up, Wang Qi suddenly remembered picking up Jin Yan's call. "Jin Yan called before, but your phone… Have you found out what the problem is?"