Call Me Brother

"Do you really think they want to use the retirement community to earn money?" Lin Qian snorted. "They're just planning to move to the retirement community when the residents here are old."

"They don't expect the community to face outsiders! They're so stingy!" Lin Qian said and didn't forget to complain.

Pei Man looked at her son provocatively. "Why? Do you have a problem with that? I'm spending my own money. It's none of your business!"

"Yes, yes, yes! You're the best! If Old Master didn't spoil you…" As Lin Qian spoke, he was warned by Lin Ting's gaze and immediately fell silent.

Lin Yun could tell.

Although Lin Ting didn't say much, his status in the family was the most authoritative.

As for this couple, Pei Man seemed to be in charge of speaking to the outside world and provoking them, while Lin Ting provided backing and strength.

Lin Yun suddenly felt a little amused by such a couple.