Lin Yu's Scheme

When Lin Han arrived at the research institute, he dialed Lin Yun's number immediately.

"Brother, how's the situation?" Lin Yun stood in the corridor, answering the call as she looked into the distance.

"Do you suspect that someone wants to harm Old Master Wang?" Lin Han asked directly.

"Yes, I have this feeling," Lin Yun said calmly, not explaining why she felt this way.

Lin Han paused for a moment before saying, "It's chronic mercury poisoning. He should have been poisoned for some time."

Lin Yun subconsciously tightened her grip on the phone and froze.

If the person who poisoned Old Master Wang was Lin Cheng, this matter would be a little strange.

Old Master Wang had always thought highly of Lin Cheng and had long intended to hand his company over to Lin Cheng to manage.

There was no need for Lin Cheng to kill Old Master Wang under such circumstances.