What the Hell

Although Ding Ning was impatient to deal with these miscellaneous matters, Luo Gang had specially asked her to train these newbies who might enter the entertainment industry in the future in advance, so she could not refuse.

However, seeing that this group of brainless women had been provoked by a few words, Ding Ning felt even more frustrated.

She looked at Lin Yu coldly for a long time before saying, "It's your choice whether you participate in the competition or not."

"The allocation of rooms is the production team's decision. If you're willing to obey, then do so. If you're not, think of a way to resolve it."

"In addition, I have to remind you of your current identities as candidates. Please remember your identities!"

"If you violate the rules of the production team, we have the right to terminate the contract in advance and chase you out!"