Two Daughters

When Lin Yun returned to the fishing village, it was almost 10 pm.

Pei Man and Lin Ting had just returned home after settling the restaurant's matters.

Before they entered, Pei Man saw headlights driving toward them from afar.

The car was not fast. Pei Man took a closer look. It was an unfamiliar car.

Most of the neighbors nearby did not have any foreign friends, and the Lin family's restaurant was only open until 9 pm, so cars outside rarely came over late at night.

Because there were guests booking the restaurant today, they finished their meals early and left the fishing village.

Pei Man and Lin Ting thought that they could go back and rest early today, but they did not expect someone to come to the fishing village so late at night.

The car stopped in front of them. The dazzling headlights blinded Pei Man and Lin Ting.