Chasing A Guest Away

The café manager walked up to Jin Ying and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Miss. Due to a customer's complaint, we would like to ask you to leave this shop as soon as possible."

"As an apology, our cafe is willing to provide everyone with a week's worth of free afternoon tea exchange coupons. We welcome everyone's next visit!"

Although the café manager spoke politely, his actions were completely disrespectful.

Jin Ying was not easy to talk to either. She turned around and glared at the manager. "What do you mean? Are you chasing the customers away?"

"Don't forget, my dad booked this place today!"

"If we didn't think that it wouldn't be good to affect the schedule of the other guests who have made reservations, they should be the ones being chased away!"

As Jin Ying replied, her face was already red with anger.

The manager of the cafe was knowledgeable and had his own solution when dealing with such a young lady from a small family.