Ming Yi's Music Score

Lin Yu held the score in her hand, but her eyes were filled with anger. "Chen Hang, you took advantage of me! Watch how I deal with you in the future!"

Lin Yu confirmed the score carefully. It was indeed Ming Yi's previous style.

It seemed that the authenticity of this score could be guaranteed.

However, Lin Yu felt that the handwriting on the score was very similar to the score Lin Yun had given her previously.

However, it was only the first page that was similar. She carefully looked at the last few pages and realized that they were completely different.

Only then did Lin Yu dispel her doubts. She scanned the score one by one and handed it to Wang Lan to arrange for her to compose new songs and lyrics.

After Lin Yu sent all the content to Wang Lan, she heaved a sigh of relief.

This damn production team had to let these contestants compose their own lyrics and songs before it could be considered a complete performance.