
"Xiaoyu, don't worry. I won't let them wrong you!" Tian Tian sat in the private room of the bar and said to Lin Yu, who looked aggrieved.

Lin Yu sobbed as she gently picked up the glass wine glass as if she had suffered a huge grievance.

Tian Tian looked at Lin Yu's pitiful appearance and immediately leaned toward her.

He placed a hand on Lin Yu's shoulder with a smile. "Alright! It's just a competition. Don't take it to heart!"

"Let's have a good time tonight!" Tian Tian said as he picked up his wine glass and gently knocked it into Lin Yu's hand.

Lin Yu still looked bitter, but she obediently raised her wine glass and took a sip.

Lin Yu's obedient actions made Tian Tian very happy. He immediately wanted to kiss Lin Yu's face.

Lin Yu immediately dodged shyly.

Tian Tian was not angered. Instead, he smiled even more wantonly.