Chased Away

When the shop assistant heard the argument, he immediately walked over. "Excuse me, how can I help you?"

He thought that they were friends when he saw Tian Yuan and Feng Si walk in and approach the table of guests.

Unexpectedly, after a few words, the two of them actually quarreled with the seated guests.

Tian Yuan didn't even look at the shop assistant. She pointed at the people still sitting in their seats and said, "I want to sit in this seat. Let them leave!"

The shop assistant was put in a difficult position. "Well… Miss, if you like such a seat, why don't I arrange it for you…"

Before the shop assistant could finish, she heard Tian Yuan say even louder, "I like this seat!"

The shop assistant's expression changed, but he did not refuse.

The shop assistant tried his best to maintain a polite smile. "Miss, these two guests are already eating here. Please don't disturb the other guests."