Accepting a New Mission

"Xiao Yun, Grandpa asked me to bring you to visit a family friend today." Wang Qi called Lin Yun early in the morning.

Lin Yun was packing her things and preparing to leave the capital in half a day when she received Wang Qi's call.

Before Lin Yun could speak, Wang Qi continued, "Grandpa said that no matter how busy you are, you must meet Grandpa Bai. It's good for you!"

Lin Yun raised her eyebrows, knowing that Old Master Wang would never give up as long as she didn't go!

Lin Yun sighed and could only change her schedule again.

After making an appointment with Wang Qi, Lin Yun saw that there was still some time, so she browsed through the interface of Wing World.

Recently, Wing World seemed to be a little lively. Someone had issued missions continuously to find a missing treasure.

"It has already risen to 80 million, but no one accepted this mission? Could it be that there's something going on?" Lin Yun was immediately curious.