My Own Reasoning

Lu Suo nodded.

Song Ci continued, "Regardless, you're really smart. You kept Zhu Yi afloat by using an inner tube. If something like this ever happens again, remember to make use of your surroundings. Don't just jump in immediately. It's okay to help others, but you must prioritize your own safety."

Lu Suo saw Song Ci's serious expression. She was probably very worried about him. So, he quickly nodded and said, "I will."

"I feel more relieved now."

Song Ci smiled.

"Your father and I are very fond of you. Even if you have done something wrong, just inform us. If you're too embarrassed to let your father know, you can only tell me. Don't act like Zhu Yi and accuse others. Lying is also bad. Do you understand?"

Lu Suo was stunned by these words. Obviously, lying and accusing others were bad. However, how could he let them know his true nature? Hence, he merely smiled and said, "Yes."