Not as Handsome as Me

People would only appreciate something once it was gone. Lu Gan never cared about his body until he met Song Ci. At this moment, he desperately wanted to be like any other normal person. He wished to walk under the sun with her.

Song Ci noticed Lu Gan's sudden change of attitude. She asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Lu Gan smiled. 

"Nothing. Once you're free, we can talk about traveling."

Song Ci nodded. At first, she was only making a suggestion. Lu Gan was always alone at home. She wanted him to go outside more frequently. 

"I'm happy that you visited me today."

"For real?"

Song Ci smiled gently. 

"Of course."

Lu Gan nodded. 

"It's true that you haven't stopped smiling."

Song Ci's heart was filled with sweetness. She looked at her husband quietly. Then, she felt a little shy. To hide it, Song Ci went to get Lu Gan a glass of water. 

"You must be thirsty. Drink more water."

Lu Gan did not refuse.